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Tuesday - Main Agenda


Tuesday - Main Agenda

    • General Sessions
    Join us for coffee and refreshments before the morning sessions commence.
  1. Tampa Convention Center - Mezzanine - Registration
    • All Access
    • General Sessions

    Registration desks available to get printed badges, holders and lanyards, event bags, and event information.

  2. JW Marriott Hotel Registration Floor 2
    • General Sessions
    Registration desks available to get printed badges, holders and lanyards, event bags, and event information.
  3. Marriott Water Street - Floor 2 - Florida Ballroom Salon I - IV
    • Professional Development Track
    Open to U.S. and Partner Nation SOF and spouses, this session will teach attendees how to safeguard their digital privacy with the latest techniques and technologies.
  4. Marriott Water Street - Floor 2 - Florida Ballroom Salon V - VI
    • SOF for Life Transition Track
    Obtain a top-level overview of VA benefits application process, with a specific SOF personnel lens. Ideal for military personnel that are 24 to 18 months out from retirement or separation from active-duty service.
  5. Marriott Water Street - Floor 2 - Florida Ballroom Salon V - VI
    • SOF for Life Transition Track
    This session is a overview of how to ensure a successful financial transition from service. Discussion, military v civilian pay, SBP, Tricare, VA claims, SGLI vs VGLI, TSP and keys to reaching financial success through budgeting, saving and investing.
  6. Marriott Water Street - Floor 2 - Florida Ballroom Salon I - IV
    • Breakout Track

    Suicide rates continue to rise with Service Members and Veterans, plaguing the SOF community. At Sound Off, our mission is to empower those who are reluctant to seek care due to stigma. After we share how current and former SOF members can both seek help and support their brother and sisters, Chief Growth Officer Dr. Alex Balbir will moderate a panel featuring innovative nonprofits that partner with Sound Off to deliver mental health care and suicide prevention programs in the SOF community.

  7. JW Marriott Ybor Ballroom V
    • Industry Track

    PEO - SOF Support Activity’s (SOFSA) mission is to manage the capability development, modification, and integration of SOF-peculiar equipment on a variety of SOF rotary- and fixed-wing aircraft as well as ground vehicles and maritime vessels. SOFSA provides responsive, tailored contractor logistic support worldwide to Special Operations Forces Component Commands and Theater SOCs to enhance Theater Combatant Commander (COCOM) readiness and warfighting capabilities. PEO SOFSA supervises execution of a multiyear contract (max. of 10 years) valued at $8 billion. These briefings address key areas that the SOF GLSS [Global Logistics Support Services] prime contractor desires from industry. The briefing also informs industry of expeditionary logistics capability development requirements. These requirements will be executed by PM Expeditionary Support within PEO SOFSA.

  8. Tampa Convention Center - Ground Floor - Room 120 - 121
    • Industry Track

    The mission of the Program Executive Office for Maritime (PEO-M) is to provide game-changing capability to hyperenable Naval Special Warfare operators through the development and fielding of advanced surface and undersea platforms and equipment in order to maintain and expand the competitive advantage in the maritime domain The portfolio provides both surface and undersea maritime mobility platforms in various stages of development, production, and sustainment as well as cutting edge SOF Combat Diving equipment. The surface fleet consists of the Combatant Craft Heavy, Combatant Craft Medium, Combatant Craft Assault, Special Operations Craft – Riverine, and Small Unmanned Surface Vehicles. The undersea fleet consists of the Dry Deck Shelter, Dry Combat Submersible, SEAL Delivery Vehicle, SOF Combat Diving, and Small Unmanned Underwater Vehicles.

  9. Tampa Convention Center - Ground Floor - Room 118 - 119
    • Industry Track

    Program Executive Office for Fixed Wing (PEO-FW), relentlessly develops, delivers and adapts Special Operations (SO)-peculiar manned and unmanned fixed-wing solutions to effectively enable airpower capabilities for Special Operations Forces (SOF). PEO-FW collaborates with SOF end-users, Research & Development activities, Academia, and Industry Partners to synchronize acquisition efforts resulting in the development, testing, procurement and fielding of an array of capabilities. These include a wide range of SOF-specific fixed wing platforms and associated advanced technology sensors, weapon systems, defensive countermeasures, advanced avionics, and mission-training systems.

    USSOCOM’s manned and unmanned fixed-wing aircraft provide the backbone for SOF airborne capabilities such as aerial refueling support, airborne precision engagement, and aerial intelligence, surveillance, & reconnaissance (ISR). These provide SOF with the global ability to infiltrate, exfiltrate, and resupply in hostile denied environments leveraging air assets such as the MC-130J Talon III and CV-22 Osprey. PEO-FW portfolio also includes the AC-130J Ghostrider and the upcoming OA-1K Sky Warden, which provide critical precision engagement and close-air support using both service-common weapons and SO-peculiar Stand-off Precision Guided Munitions to engage a variety of targets.

    The final components of the PEO-FW portfolio are the Airborne ISR (AISR) systems which include the U-28A aircraft, JAVAMAN, MC-12 Liberty, MQ-1C, and MQ-9. PEO-FW is also the lead for Air Force Special Operations Command’s priority Adaptive Airborne Enterprise (A2E), which will evolve the MQ-9 based AFSOC AISR operations into a family of systems meeting SOF mission needs. These manned and unmanned systems deliver real-time Global ISR support to Combatant Commanders. To accomplish this mission, the PEO-FW acquisition team also includes Detachment 1, an independent and dedicated development test team located at Eglin Air Force Base, and leverages extensive collaboration with Combat Acquisition Detachments and Service Program Offices around the country. This extensive teaming enables the innovation and support required to achieve the high operational tempo of these aircraft while empowering relentless adaptation to incorporate capability and sustainment improvements to meet the demands from the nation’s quiet professionals in the SOF community.

  10. JW Marriott Ybor Ballroom V
    • Industry Track

    The Program Executive Office for Special Operations Forces Digital Applications (PEO SDA) is responsible for executing software-centric programs that enable USSOCOM to make data-driven decisions. By leveraging trusted solutions across Industry and Government, PEO-SDA digital transformation efforts prioritize making data more accessible and usable to the SOF Warfighter. PEO-SDA's portfolio consists of Mission Command Systems, Mission Planning and Execution, Intelligence Support, SOF Digital Ecosystem, and Unmanned Systems Autonomy. Our focus areas includes:

    • Open Systems Architecture
    • Infrastructure as a Service
    • Platform as a Service
    • Enterprise Data-Centricity
    • Applications (AI/ML) from Cloud to Edge
    • Ops/Intel Fusion (COP/CIP)

    PEO SOF Digital Applications mission is to deliver innovative, relevant, and dependable Special Operations-peculiar software and data capabilities for the SOF warfighter to achieve information dominance and win in a complex environment.

  11. Tampa Convention Center - Ground Floor - Room 118 - 119
    • Industry Track

    The Program Executive Office for Rotary Wing (PEO-RW) is responsible for providing rapid and focused acquisition, research and development, and life cycle logistics support to the operators of the US Army Special Operations Aviation Command and the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, which provides SOF rotary-wing capability to the joint force. PEO-RW provides the most advanced rotary-wing aircraft, mission equipment, and training systems available to the U.S. military by continuing to focus on technologies that ensure operators have a comparative advantage against all potential threats. PEO-RW accomplishes this critical mission with a three-part strategy focused on readiness, recapitalization, and investments in lethality and survivability. The rotary-wing fleet consists of the MH-47G Chinook, MH-60M Black Hawk, and the A/MH-6M Little Bird.

  12. Tampa Convention Center - Ground Floor - Room 118 - 119
    • Industry Track

    The Program Executive Office for Special Operations Forces Warrior (PEO-SW) is a diverse organization which provides rapid and focused acquisition of Special Operations-Peculiar capabilities to USSOCOM operators conducting global, decisive Special Operations Forces (SOF) activities. PEO-SW comprises 10 Joint Program Management Offices and over 300 military, civilian, and contractor personnel. By cultivating an aggressive, risk-taking culture, they dutifully and dependably execute every dollar appropriated to develop, acquire, and field critical warfighting capabilities in support of USSOCOM’s five Component Commands. PEO-SW is a decisive enabler to SOF AT&L’s no-fail mission to provide effective, wide-ranging, time-sensitive capabilities to widely dispersed and often isolated SOF in several unique commodity areas. PEO-SW manages a more than $1 billion investment portfolio that includes over 500 efforts across programs, projects, Middle Tiers of Acquisition, Combat Evaluations, Studies, and CRADAs. The diverse portfolio includes six primary warfighting focus areas:

    • Ground Mobility
    • Operator Target Acquisition & Visual Augmentation Systems
    • Operator Weapon Systems & Accessories
    • Operator Ammunition/Demolition /Loitering & other Munitions
    • Operator Equipment, Protection, and Survival
    • Operator First Aid Kits, Medic Kits
    • Casualty Evacuation
  13. Tampa Convention Center - Ground Floor - Room 120 - 121
    • Industry Track

    The Science & Technology Directorate focuses on integrating S&T efforts across the SOF enterprise. This includes ensuring that technology opportunities are aligned with technology enablers and developers, ongoing efforts are integrated with transition partners, additional innovation that is required to address S&T opportunities is identified, and disruptive technology solutions are assessed for their impact and potential benefit to the SOF mission set and SOF operator of the future. S&T priorities are aligned with the USSOCOM Commander’s Capabilities and Programming Guidance (CPG). S&T is focusing its efforts on the six technology thrusts: Warfighter Performance; Hyper Enabled Force; Multi-Domain Communications and Computing; Scalable Precision Effects; Emplacement and Access; and Battlespace Awareness.

  14. JW Marriott Ybor Ballroom V
    • Industry Track

    The Program Executive Office for Services (PEO-SV) platform, “Building Future Capacity for the SOF Enterprise”, supports the organizations responsibility for planning, policy, execution oversight and management of USSOCOM service acquisitions awarded in accordance with the contracting authority of USSOCOM’s Acquisition Executive. PEO-SV supports the requirements of the USSOCOM Component Commands, Theater Special Operations Commands, USSOCOM Joint Directorates, Special Staff and Functional Activities. PEO-Services ensures the cost-effective acquisition of manpower augmentation and professional capabilities to efficiently provide Stability, Agility, and Reach in support of the diverse requirements of the USSOCOM Enterprise. Some of the required services categories include: • Subject matter expertise • Knowledge-based services • Professional Services • Logistical Services • Medical Services • IT Services PEO Services leverages contract vehicles throughout the Department of Defense and Federal Government, as well as SOF specific contracts to provide the most responsive support possible to the USSOCOM mission. After contract award, PEO Services provides expertise during and after the transition from requirements into programs of record. These activities include requirement development, acquisition strategy development, evaluation source selection support and program management oversight after contract award.

  15. Marriott Water Street - Floor 2 - Florida Ballroom Salon I - IV
    • Professional Development Track
    Obtain an overview of the various educational opportunities provided by the NATO SOF headquarters and the U.S. Joint Special Operations University for both U.S. and Partner Nation SOF.
    • All Access
  16. JW Marriott Ybor Ballroom V
    • Industry Track

    JATF OVERVIEW Hyper-Enabled Force/Team in competition focuses on enhancing the SOF Operator’s multi-domain understanding at the edge in support of the Joint Force and Integrated Deterrence. The Joint Acquisition Task Force (JATF) is developing and integrating technologies to deliver cognitive overmatch to SOF Operators working through Partner Forces at the edge in congested, contested, and denied environments. These technologies will enable SOF Operators to intuitively utilize information provided by next generation sensors, edge computing, advanced analytics, and communication systems to rapidly build understanding; make timely, well-informed decisions; and take actions inside an adversary’s ability to react.

  17. Marriott Water Street - Floor 2 - Florida Ballroom Salon V - VI
    • SOF for Life Transition Track

    Feeling overwhelmed by the entirety of tasks associated with retiring or separating from active-duty military service? Attend this session and obtain some peace of mind! Experts from relevant Veteran Service Organizations will help participants plan for success.

    To view Transition Resources, please reference the links below:

    NSW Transition Map, click here. 

    RFL ETS Transition Map click here

    RFL Retirement Transition Map click here

    ASCENT ETS Transition Checklist click here

    ASCENT Retirement Transition Checklist click here

    Transition Planner click here

  18. Marriott Water Street - Floor 2 - Florida Ballroom Salon I - IV
    • Professional Development Track
    This session will explore the importance of ethical actions by SOF personnel, the unique factors that SOF confront by virtue of their missions and structure, and the moral issues prevalent in irregular warfare.
  19. Marriott Water Street - Floor 2 - Florida Ballroom Salon V - VI
    • Professional Development Track

    Communication is the single pivot point of high-performing teams. It’s the skill area where time is tragically wasted, and targets are missed - or where objectives are sped along an easy route to success.  

    In this content-packed session of actionable tools, Juliet Funt lays out for you a communication bullseye that goes far beyond word choice or brevity, and encompasses such critical shared skills such as:

    • Eliminating redundant channels and decluttering your team's communication landscape

    • Incorporating the time-saving marvel of asynchronous communication

    • Discerning when to use 2D digital exchanges and when to switch to 3D in-person conversations for maximum impact

    • Implementing aggressive tactics to slash your email volume

    • Mastering the art of saying "no" to focus on what truly matters

    Juliet Funt is the author of A Minute to Think, CEO of a training and consulting firm and a regular feature in top media outlets such as Forbes, CNN and Fast Company. Her corporate clients include Nike, Google, Costco and Sephora and she was a popular keynote speaker at SOF’s Modern Warfare 2024. 

    We’re delighted to have Juliet back as she opens her extensive tool kit, sharing with us the tactical communication changes that will streamline work and liberate your talent. This session provides fresh insights as well as tools that you will use right away and every day.

  20. Tampa Convention Center - Ground Floor - Room 120 - 121
    • Industry Track
    The Program Executive Office for Tactical Information Systems (PEO-TIS) directs the rapid development, fielding, new equipment training, and sustainment of state-of-the-art sensors and associated C2, emplacement, recovery, and tactical communication systems across all domains to enable total situational awareness for the SOF warfighter. PEO-TIS’ capability portfolio includes Tagging, Tracking, and Locating Systems; Blue Force Tracking; Sensor Systems; Biometrics and Forensics Systems; Joint Threat Warning System; Group 1-3 Unmanned Aerial Systems; and Tactical Communications and Computing. The focus is to provide situational awareness for SOF Warfighters and interoperability with US Military and International Partners.
  21. Tampa Convention Center - Ground Floor - Room 120 - 121
    • Industry Track

    USSOCOM SOF AT&L International Operations Office collaborates with partner nations and industry partners to develop and field Special Operations-peculiar capabilities. The International session will feature a presentation and discussion on potential pathways Industry partners could use to facilitate greater exposure on the International level and will focus on current International Cooperative R&D efforts, Foreign Comparative Testing, International Experimentation, and other International Programs.

  22. Tampa Convention Center - Ground Floor - Room 118 - 119
    • Industry Track
    The Directorate Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) manages the development, acquisition, fielding, new equipment training, and sustainment of Garrison C4 and MISO [Military Information Support Information] systems. The portfolio includes two primary capability areas – Enterprise Networks & MISO Systems. Enterprise Information Systems will continue to integrate new or emerging technologies as part of its systems’ life cycle refresh, and in parallel, will leverage other government agencies and offices to transform SOF C4 and MISO capabilities. The focus is to enable a culture of connectivity; provide access to required resources from anywhere on the globe; and ensure interoperability with all military, interagency, and international partners.
  23. JW Marriott Ybor Ballroom V
    • Industry Track
    Project Spectrum is a comprehensive platform that provides companies, institutions, and organizations with cybersecurity information, resources, tools, and training at no cost to industry.
  24. JW Marriott Registration Floor 4
    • All Access
    Registration desks available to get printed badges, holders and lanyards, event bags, and event information.
  25. Tampa Convention Center - Ground Floor - Capabilities Accelerator Rally Point
    • All Access
    • Capability Accelerator Rally Point
    Join us at the Capabilities Accelerator Rally Point, located in the Tampa Convention Center, for this informative session.
  26. Tampa Convention Center - Ground Floor - Capabilities Accelerator Rally Point
    • All Access
    • Capability Accelerator Rally Point
  27. Tampa Convention Center - Ground Floor - Capabilities Accelerator Rally Point
    • All Access
    • Capability Accelerator Rally Point
  28. Marriott Water Street - Floor 2 - Florida Ballroom Salon I - IV
    • General Sessions
    • Industry Track
    Mr. Farooq Mitha, Director of the Department of Defense Office of Small Business Programs, will detail key takeaways from the department’s recently released Small Business Strategy, designed to promote a strong, dynamic, and robust small-business industrial base by focusing on reducing barriers to entry, increasing set-aside competitions, and leveraging programs to grow the industrial base.

  • We are extremely excited to convene the community at SOF Week 2024. This convention for U.S. and International SOF will include a diverse slate of programs, to include professional development sessions, interactive discussions about the future of SOF, and an up-close view of some of the best tech available to our warfighters. GSOF looks forward to working with USSOCOM to make SOF Week 2024 an impactful event.
    Stuart Bradin
    President and CEO, GSOF


Co-sponsorship of this event does not imply endorsement of GSOF, its services, or products by the United States Government, the Department of Defense, or U.S. Special Operations Command.