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Wednesday - Main Agenda



PEO Deep Dive: Fixed Wing (FW)

08 May 2024
Tampa Convention Center - Ground Floor - Room 118 - 119
Industry Track

Program Executive Office for Fixed Wing (PEO-FW), relentlessly develops, delivers and adapts Special Operations (SO)-peculiar manned and unmanned fixed-wing solutions to effectively enable airpower capabilities for Special Operations Forces (SOF). PEO-FW collaborates with SOF end-users, Research & Development activities, Academia, and Industry Partners to synchronize acquisition efforts resulting in the development, testing, procurement and fielding of an array of capabilities. These include a wide range of SOF-specific fixed wing platforms and associated advanced technology sensors, weapon systems, defensive countermeasures, advanced avionics, and mission-training systems.

USSOCOM’s manned and unmanned fixed-wing aircraft provide the backbone for SOF airborne capabilities such as aerial refueling support, airborne precision engagement, and aerial intelligence, surveillance, & reconnaissance (ISR). These provide SOF with the global ability to infiltrate, exfiltrate, and resupply in hostile denied environments leveraging air assets such as the MC-130J Talon III and CV-22 Osprey. PEO-FW portfolio also includes the AC-130J Ghostrider and the upcoming OA-1K Sky Warden, which provide critical precision engagement and close-air support using both service-common weapons and SO-peculiar Stand-off Precision Guided Munitions to engage a variety of targets.

The final components of the PEO-FW portfolio are the Airborne ISR (AISR) systems which include the U-28A aircraft, JAVAMAN, MC-12 Liberty, MQ-1C, and MQ-9. PEO-FW is also the lead for Air Force Special Operations Command’s priority Adaptive Airborne Enterprise (A2E), which will evolve the MQ-9 based AFSOC AISR operations into a family of systems meeting SOF mission needs. These manned and unmanned systems deliver real-time Global ISR support to Combatant Commanders. To accomplish this mission, the PEO-FW acquisition team also includes Detachment 1, an independent and dedicated development test team located at Eglin Air Force Base, and leverages extensive collaboration with Combat Acquisition Detachments and Service Program Offices around the country. This extensive teaming enables the innovation and support required to achieve the high operational tempo of these aircraft while empowering relentless adaptation to incorporate capability and sustainment improvements to meet the demands from the nation’s quiet professionals in the SOF community.

Colonel T. Justin Bronder, PhD, Program Executive Officer, PEO Fixed Wing Programs, SOF AT&L - U.S. Special Operations Command

  • We are extremely excited to convene the community at SOF Week 2024. This convention for U.S. and International SOF will include a diverse slate of programs, to include professional development sessions, interactive discussions about the future of SOF, and an up-close view of some of the best tech available to our warfighters. GSOF looks forward to working with USSOCOM to make SOF Week 2024 an impactful event.
    Stuart Bradin
    President and CEO, GSOF


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